Monday, January 26, 2015

Twenty-six measures to curb road deaths – Les Echos

Twenty-six measures to curb road deaths – Les Echos

+ PAPER – Down for 12 years, road deaths increased by 3.7% in 2014. The interior minister still has halved the number of road deaths by 2020


Article (s) associated (s)

The shock is brutal. After over a decade of decline, the number of deaths on French roads has started to increase. In 2014, some 120 people more than last year lost their lives in a drama traffic, bringing to 3,388 the number of deaths from road. This 3.7% increase in mortality, “is not up to the goals we had set” , acknowledged Monday Bernard Cazeneuve. The interior minister wants to believe, however, that this increase, the first since 2001, is only a blip. In any case, it does not call into question the objective of lowering to 2,000 deaths in 2020, set last year by Manuel Valls, his predecessor Place Beauvau.

A list of 26 measures

Determined that France eventually get into the nails, Bernard Cazeneuve announced a list of 26 measures following the Council National road safety (NSRC). Here are the main:

Blood alcohol. Near zero tolerance The guideline will be lowered experimentally from 0.5 to 0.2 grams per liter of blood for novice drivers (3 years after the permit two years if obtaining it was done with a learning accompanied driving).

Enhanced Surveillance Radar. The deployment of radar red lights is restarted and modernization of the existing fleet on the road network (4200) will be continued (mobile radars, radar two-sided).

Learn youngest to drive. Accompanied driving will be possible by 15 years and the age limit to pass the driving test passes 17 and a half.

More safety for pedestrians. No parking within 5 meters of a pedestrian crossing for four-wheelers and strengthening penalties for violators.

more limited speed. The transition from 90 to 80 km / h will be experienced on some sections in both directions “particularly accident-prone.” Furthermore, the mayors will lower the speed on all or part of their agglomeration and not just a few streets.

Anti-narcotics tests. Made by Salivary way, these tests will first be performed in 11 departments before generalization.

The hunt for headsets. The port of any auditory system (headphones, earphones , helmet, etc.) will be prohibited for any driver.

More transparent windows. The regulation of on-tinting windows to the front of vehicles for the smooth control of certain risk behaviors (use of phone while driving, not wearing a seat belt, etc.) will be “specified”.


DOCUMENT presentation file of the 26 measures


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